Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Meeting Penny

The Telfers with "Soupe du Jour" Penny (holding Jasper) and Lily (in front)

Yesterday we went to Annecy for a day trip, and we met Penny, whose blog I link to at "Soupe du Jour" . (She beat me to blog about our meeting HERE.) Penny comes from Australia too, so I enjoyed listening to the Aussie accent and chatting in a way that I can't in French. I am very impressed by how well her little girl Lily can speak French. They have been here for just over a year and she sounds French already.
We arranged to meet them in the park for a picnic, and the kids didn't take long to start playing together.

The picnic

Odette and Lily push their little brothers, Hugh and Jasper, on the swings
watched by Bonnie.

The climbing tree

Lily, with her local knowledge could show our kids cool spots like this tree that is great for climbing. In fact the wood is shiny in parts where so many little feet have been climbing it over the years.

We have "met" several families through the world of blog, but this is the first time we have met any of them face-to-face. I love the internet for putting me in touch with so many lovely new friends.


islandgirl4ever2 said...

Too cute!!! I mad my way over from Penny's blog... Welcome to France!! You guys look like you're having a great time already!!! Looking forward to reading more on your blog in the year to come!
Enjoy!!! Leesa

Penny said...

It was so great to meet you all. Sorry you didnt get to experience all the delights. There is only so much "quaint" that kids can take, hey?