Sunday 20 April 2008


Sophie has several penfriends around the world, and one of them is Noëllie, who lives in Dampierre-sur-Linotte. Sophie and Noëllie have been writing to each other for a few years, and chatting on the computer with MSN/ Windows Live Messenger for several months, so they were very excited to finally meet each other in person.
We travelled to Dampierre-sur-Linotte on Monday and were welcomed very warmly by the Viennet family. Stephan and Annick have three daughters and Noëllie and her little sister Marthe are about the same age as our girls. At first the children were a little shy, but by the end of the evening they were playing together to such an extent that they performed a circus spectacle for the adults.

The Viennet's house in Dampierre-sur-Linotte

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